Léon is a carpenter by education but found ICT and the AEC industry equally interesting. Today he is working for the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO as the leader of the BIM research and development team. His main research topic is collaboration in the AEC industry. Léon involved in the open source BIMserver.org initiative, the BIM QuickScan® and the open source BIM collective. Recent works are on the fields of BIM json, GeoBIM, BIM benchmarking and cloudbim technology.
About The Author:
Léon is a carpenter by education but found ICT and the AEC industry equally interesting. Today he is working for the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO as the leader of the BIM research and development team. His main research topic is collaboration in the AEC industry. Léon involved in the open source BIMserver.org initiative, the BIM QuickScan® and the open source BIM collective. Recent works are on the fields of BIM json, GeoBIM, BIM benchmarking and cloudbim technology.
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