The four chapter of the BIM Compass™

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The BIM Compass™ is intended to be used to measure an organisation over four main chapters that represent both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ aspects of BIM, namely:

  • Chapter 1: organisation and management;
  • Chapter 2: mentality and culture;
  • Chapter 3: information structure and informationflow; and
  • Chapter 4: tools and applications.

Each chapter contains a number of KPIs in the form of a multiple-choice questionnaire. The total number of criteria is limited to 45 in order to keep an in-depth measurement that can be performed with reasonable speed.

The BIM Compass™ chapters are based one a publication about BIM Maturity measurement by Sebastian from 2011.

Within the first chapter (corporate management),the following KPIs are addressed: vision and strategy, distribution of roles and tasks, organisation structure, quality assurance, financial resources and partnership on corporate and project level.
The second chapter (organisational culture) focuses on BIM acceptance among the staff and workers, group and individual motivation, presence and influence of the BIM coordinator, knowledge and skills, knowledge management and training.
The following KPIs are composed in the third chapter (data-structure and information flow): use of modelling, open data standards, object libraries, internal and external information flow, type of data exchange and type of data in each project phase.
The hardware- and software-related KPIs are pulled together in the last chapter (technology platforms and tools): use of model server, type and capacity of model server, type of software package, advanced BIM tools, model view definitions and supporting rules.

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