Thank you for your interest in the buildingSMART Professional Certification Foundation – Basic (openBIM) Program! The course is developed and delivered by Strategic Building Innovation · bimSCORE.

Course Fee
HKD 10,000 (Eligible for CITF subsidy application)
*Please note that this course has been registered as Pre-Approved BIM training course via CITF(Construction Innovation and Technology Fund) in two parts. The course IDs and names are:
PBT20-047: open BIM and BIM Training Programme (Part 1) | Fee: HK$ 5,000
PBT20-048: open BIM and BIM Training Programme (Part 2) | Fee: HK$ 5,000
Any individual who gets approved via CITF application is entitled to HKD 3,000 reimbursement per part of the course at maximum. Please visit to see how to apply for course fee reimbursement.
Course Registration
Please register via this page.